How Air Conditioning Repair Can Save You Money and Reduce Your Risk of a Breakdown

Air Conditioning Repair Loveland OH helps your system function properly, saving you money on energy bills. This also helps you reduce your risk of an unexpected breakdown. A clogged air filter or thermostat could cause your AC to malfunction.

Air Conditioning

A service technician can also check your ductwork for leaks or poor insulation. They may be able to fix minor problems like a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse. They can also reduce humidity in the home by removing condensation from the coils.

A dirty evaporator coil is one of the most common AC problems that can be easily prevented with routine maintenance. A dirty coil hinders the absorption of heat from the air, causing your system to work harder to cool your home. The resulting strain can lead to other parts of your AC unit needing repair more often, as well as higher energy costs.

Ineffective cooling

A sign that your evaporator coil needs cleaning is when your home doesn’t feel cool no matter how long you run the air conditioner. The evaporator coil’s job is to absorb heat from the air in your home and transfer it to the refrigerant, but when it becomes coated with dirt, it isn’t as effective.

Unpleasant odors

Over time, organic material such as mold and mildew can build up on the evaporator coil of your air conditioning unit. These materials can then be heated by the coil and circulated into your home, resulting in foul smells. These odors can range from musty to rotten depending on the extent of the growth and type of material. If you have a strong odor coming from your air conditioner, it’s time to call in the professionals for a cleaning.

Dirty Compressor Coils

Coils in your air conditioner take heat from the outside and transfer it to your home’s interior, ensuring that you remain cool and comfortable. However, dirt, dust and debris can build up on these coils and hinder the airflow process. As a result, your cooling system will have trouble providing summer comfort.

Dirty compressor coils cause your AC to work harder than normal to meet your cooling needs. This can lead to higher energy bills and more frequent breakdowns. Eventually, your AC will wear out faster than expected and require costly replacement parts or even total system failure.

If you suspect a dirty condenser coil, it is important to contact your local professional immediately. They will inspect your outdoor unit, remove any debris that has accumulated and clean the coils by spraying them with a commercially available cleaner. They will then rinse the coils thoroughly using water. They will also ensure that the coil fins are free of damage and straighten them, if necessary.

Keeping your air conditioner’s coils clean is an essential part of your system’s performance and efficiency. For this reason, it’s a good idea to join an air conditioning maintenance plan, such as ROX Heating & Air’s Priority Comfort Club.

Low Coolant Levels

Coolant (also known as antifreeze) circulates through your engine, keeping it at an optimal temperature to prevent overheating. If you notice your coolant level dropping quickly, your car may be losing coolant due to a leak somewhere in the system.

Your vehicle’s dashboard will usually illuminate a warning light when the coolant level is low. You can avoid costly engine problems by regularly checking and topping off your coolant levels with a 50/50 coolant-and-water mix, as specified in your owner’s manual.

You can also monitor the coolant levels on the reservoir itself, which typically has levels labeled “Min” and “Low,” or on the radiator hoses, water pump, or thermostat housing. If your coolant reservoir is leaking, it’s likely time to book an appointment for a professional inspection and repair.

A drop in coolant levels can cause overheating which can damage or destroy various parts of your engine. Overheating can warp your cylinder head, break your head gasket, or crack your engine block.

Another sign of low coolant levels is the sweet, fruity smell that can come through your air conditioning vents. This sweet odor is a result of the glycol in your coolant evaporating. If you notice this, it’s probably a good idea to pull over in a safe place and get your coolant topped off by a professional.

Damaged Coolant Lines

One of the most common air conditioner repair issues is a leaking coolant line. These lines, which run between the compressor and radiator, are usually prone to leaks, especially in older systems. This can lead to excessive energy consumption, which drives up electricity bills and reduces your system’s lifespan.

A professional can diagnose a coolant leak by inspecting your air conditioning unit. Look for puddles, drips or moisture around the unit and check the evaporator coil for signs of a leak. If you notice any of these, contact a technician for immediate attention.

Typically, air conditioning repair professionals will first pressurize the system with nitrogen to check for additional coolant leaks and ensure the integrity of all components before adding refrigerant. After making any necessary repairs, they’ll add the correct amount of refrigerant to remove ice formation and restore cooling function.

You should never attempt to fix a leaky AC hose, as this can be dangerous. Moreover, you need an EPA-approved Section 608 license to handle refrigerant. While some mechanics sell do-it-yourself top-up kits, these can damage your compressor and are not recommended for at-home use. Besides, they do not replace the aging R-22 refrigerant, which is no longer manufactured and has been capped off since January 1, 2020.

Dirty Thermostat

A dirty thermostat can affect the way your system operates. It can lead to a thermostat that doesn’t register the room temperature accurately, or it could cause a thermostat to operate continually, wasting energy and shortening your equipment’s lifespan.

A quick fix for a dirty thermostat is to check the batteries, and replace them if necessary. Many digital thermostats have a battery switch on the back, but if you aren’t sure whether your thermostat has one or not, try flipping the power switch off to find out.

Once you’ve made sure your thermostat has the right batteries, turn it back on and open its cover. Then, use a soft brush (like the kind you might use to trim your mustache or beard) and canned air to clean away any dust that has collected.

You can also use this opportunity to tighten the screw holding the wires in place if they seem loose. But be careful — working with electrical components is a job best left to professionals.

Dirty Condensate Drain

Your AC system creates a lot of condensation, and it all has to go somewhere. That’s why a clean condensate drain line is so important. If it’s clogged, your air conditioner won’t be able to properly operate.

The condensate drain line is a PVC pipe that extends from the indoor evaporator pan to a floor drain or outside of your house. Over time, dirt and dust can build up in this line, creating a sludge-like substance that can block the drain. Also, mold, mildew and other organisms can grow in this line if it’s not cleaned regularly.

An air conditioning technician will first shut off power to your home’s AC unit, then find the drain line opening. This may be in the attic or a utility closet, and it’s usually covered by an access panel. Once they have access, the tech will use a wet/dry shop vacuum or plumber’s snake to remove the clog. Then, they’ll spray the clogged line with a garden hose in quick bursts to break up clogs and flush them away. After clearing the drain line, they’ll put it back in place and test it by pouring water through it to make sure it flows.

Faulty Thermostat

Thermostats can become faulty and begin to fail over time. In some cases, this will be noticeable and obvious, while in others it may be subtle. It is important to recognize the signs of a faulty thermostat and get it replaced as soon as possible. A faulty thermostat can cause problems with your air conditioning system that could result in a costly repair bill.

One of the most common symptoms of a faulty thermostat is that it doesn’t respond when you change your temperature settings. You might also notice that your thermostat is unable to maintain the set temperatures, or that it is changing the temperature of your home without any reason. If your thermostat is not responding, you should check to make sure that the power switch is on and that the batteries are fresh.

A faulty thermostat can also be caused by poor wiring. If your thermostat has old or faulty wires, they can become disconnected or ripped off. In order to fix this, you should contact a professional technician for assistance. They will be able to inspect your thermostat and determine the best solution for your home. They will likely recommend a new thermostat for your home that is compatible with your current HVAC system.